Allison Hogikyan, 2023
Last Known Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Chicago
Advisor: Laure Resplandy
Dissertation: Oxygen, Carbon, Heat: Explorations in Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction
Juho Iipponen, 2022
Last Known Affiliation: Computational Fluid Dynamics Developer, WindSim A/S
Advisor: Leo Donner
Dissertation: Role of Clouds in Tropical Climate and its Variability
Houssam Yassin, 2022
Last Known Affiliation: Postdoc, University of Maryland
Advisor: Stephen Griffies
Dissertation: The Geostrophic Turbulence of Boundary Buoyancy Anomalies
Michelle Frazer, 2021
Last Known Affiliation: Postdoc, Penn State
Advisor: Yi Ming
Dissertation: Using an Idealized Climate Model to Elucidate Physical Mechanisms and Improve Model Representation of Extratropical Cloud Feedbacks
Aaron Match, 2021
Last Known Affiliation: NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow, New York University
Advisor: Stephan Fueglistaler
Dissertation: The Unified Internal Dynamics and Global Interactions of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
Shiv Priyam Raghuraman, 2021
Last Known Affiliation: Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Advisor: V. Ramaswamy
Dissertation: Changes in the Satellite-Observed Radiation Budget: Manifestations of Radiative Forcing, Feedbacks, and Internal Variability
Jane Smyth, 2021
Last Known Affiliation: Climate Scientist, Responsible Investment Research @Man Group
Advisor: Yi Ming
Dissertation: Investigating the Physical Controls of Monsoon Seasonality in a Hierarchy of Climate Models
Yi Zhang, 2021
Last Known Affiliation: Assistant Professor, NYU Currant
Advisor: Stephan Fueglistaler
Dissertation: Some Theoretical Thinking on the Changing Tropical Climate
Tsung-Lin Hsieh, 2020
Last Known Affiliation: Postdoc, Princeton University
Advisor: Steve Garner
Dissertation: Theory and Hierarchical Modeling of Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones
Elizabeth Yankovsky, 2020
Last Known Affiliation: Postdoc, NYU
Advisor: Sonya Legg
Dissertation: Parameterizing Submesoscale Turbulence in Dense Arctic Flows
Chiung-Yin (Jenny) Chang, 2019
Last Known Affiliation: Postdoc, Princeton University
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Eddy Equilibration in Idealized Models of the Extratropical Troposphere
Xin Rong Chua, 2019
Last Known Affiliation: Research Scientist, Centre for Climate Research Singapore
Advisor: Yi Ming
Dissertation: The Effects of Greenhouse Gases and Absorbing Aerosols on Tropical Precipitation
Spencer Clark, 2019
Last Known Affiliation: Research Engineer, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Advisor: Yi Ming
Dissertation: Controls on Tropical Mean State and Intraseasonal Precipitation Variability in an Idealized Moist Atmospheric Model
Justin (Ching Ho) Ng, 2019
Last Known Affiliation: Catastrophic Risk Research Analyst, Guy Carpenter & Company Ltd.
Advisor: Gabriel Vecchi
Dissertation: On the Seasonal Predictability of East Asian Rainfall and Rapidly Intensifying North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones
Sarah Schlunegger, 2019
Last Known Affiliation: Postdoc, Princeton University
Advisor: Jorge Sarmiento
Dissertation: Natural Variability in a Changing Ocean: Emergence and Impacts
Jane Baldwin, 2018
Last Known Affiliation: Assistant Professor, UC-Irvine
Advisor: Gabriel Vecchi
Dissertation: Orographic Controls on Asian Hydroclimate, and an Examination of Heat Wave Temporal Compounding
Anna FitzMaurice, 2018
Last Known Affiliation: Senior Data Scientist, BBC
Advisor: Robert Hallberg
Dissertation: Parameterizing the Melting of Icebergs in Global Climate Models
Zhaoyi Shen, 2018
Last Known Affiliation: Senior Research Scientist, Caltech
Advisor: Yi Ming
Dissertation: The Influence of Aerosols on Large-Scale Circulation and Regional Climate
Nicholas Lutsko, 2017
Last Known Affiliation: Assistant Professor, UCSD-Scripps
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Aspects of Eddy Momentum Fluxes in the General Circulation of the Troposphere
Robert Nazarian, 2017
Last Known Affiliation: Associate Professor, Fairfield University
Advisor: Sonya Legg
Dissertation: Internal Wave Scattering in Continental Slope Canyons
Anna Trugman, 2017
Last Known Affiliation: Associate Professor, UC-Santa Barbara
Advisor: David Medvigy
Dissertation: Understanding the Roles of Climate, Disturbance, and Functional Diversity in the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle: Linking Mechanisms from Regional to Global Scales
Junyi Chai, 2016
Last Known Affiliation: Data Scientist, Amazon
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Understanding Geostrophic Turbulence in a Hierarchy of Models
Spencer Hill, 2016
Last Known Affiliation: Associate Research Scholar, Princeton University
Advisor: Yi Ming
Dissertation: Energetic and Hydrological Responses of Hadley Circulations and the African Sahel to Sea Surface Temperature Perturbations
Jaya Khanna, 2016
Last Known Affiliation: Assistant Professor, National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), India
Advisor: David Medvigy
Dissertation: Regional Hydro-Climatic Impacts of Contemporary Amazonian Deforestation
Todd Mooring, 2016
Last Known Affiliation: Postdoc, Harvard University
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Transient Eddies in the Martian Atmosphere: Representation in Reanalysis and ldealized Modeling
Geeta Persad, 2016
Last Known Affiliation: Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin
Advisor: V. Ramaswamy
Dissertation: Climate Implications of the Heterogeneity of Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing
Jeffrey Strong, 2016
Last Known Affiliation: Scientist II, AIR Worldwide
Advisor: Gabriel Vecchi
Dissertation: The Climatological Effect of Perturbations in Atmospheric Burden and Optical Properties of Saharan Dust
Hannah Zanowski, 2016
Last Known Affiliation: Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Advisor: Robert Hallberg
Dissertation: The Influence of Antarctic Open-Ocean Polynyas on the Abyssal Ocean
Andrew Ballinger, 2015
Last Known Affiliation: Postdoc, University of Edinburgh
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Tropical Cyclone Activity in an Aquaplanet General Circulation Model
Kit Yan Choi, 2015
Last Known Affiliation: Senior Scientific Software Developer, Enthought
Advisor: Gabriel Vecchi
Dissertation: El Niño-Southern Oscillation: Asymmetry, nonlinear atmospheric response and the role of mean climate
He Wang, 2015
Last Known Affiliation: Project Scientist II, UCAR
Advisor: Sonya Legg
Dissertation: Large Scale Impacts of Subarctic Channel Flows and Deep Water Formation in Climate Models
Wenyu Zhou, 2015
Last Known Affiliation: Earth Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Lab
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Non-Rotating and Rotating Radiative-Convective Equilibrium
Joseph Majkut, 2014
Last Known Affiliation: Director of Climate Policy at Niskanen Center
Advisor: Jorge L. Sarmiento
Dissertation: Variability and Trends in the Carbon Cycle
Amanda O'Rourke, 2014
Last Known Affiliation: Senior Research Scientist, John Hopkins University-Applied Physics Lab
Advisor: Geoffrey K. Vallis
Dissertation: Influence of Long and Short Planetary Waves on the Separation of the Eddy-Driven and Subtropical Jet
Samuel Potter, 2014
Last Known Affiliation: Climate Scientist Speaker, Minnesota
Advisor: Geoffrey K. Vallis
Dissertation: Superrotation and tropical waves in idealized atmospheric models
Claire Radley, 2014
Last Known Affiliation: General Manager Strategy, Steel & Tube Holdings LTD, New Zealand
Advisor: Stephan Fueglistaler
Dissertation: Understanding the Dependence of Tropical High Cloud Amount and Radiative Flux on Sea Surface Temperature
Erica Staehling, 2014
Last Known Affiliation: Associate Director, FSU's Office of STEM Teaching, Florida State University
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: The Influence of African Easterly Waves on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity
Ilissa Ocko, 2013
Last Known Affiliation: Senior Climate Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund
Advisor: V. Ramaswamy
Dissertation: Contrasting Features of Scattering and Absorbing Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcings and Climate Response
Kelly Kearney, 2012 (Geosciences)
Last Known Affiliation: Research Scientist, UW/JISAO/NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Advisor: Jorge L. Sarmiento
Dissertation: An Analysis of Marine Ecosystem Dynamics Through Development of a Coupled Physical-Biogeochemical-Fisheries Food Web Model (Geosciences Student)
Lauren Padilla, 2012 (MAE)
Last Known Affiliation: Data VoLo Scientist, Environmental Defense
Advisor: Geoffrey K. Vallis
Dissertation: Application of Empirical and Dynamical Closure Methods to Simple Climate Models (MAE Student)
Daniele Bianchi, 2011
Last Known Affiliation: Assistant Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
Advisor: Jorge L. Sarmiento
Dissertation: Processes Controlling the Distribution of Biogeochemical Tracers in the Ocean
Ying Li, 2011
Last Known Affiliation: Senior Quantitative Analyst, Freddie Mac
Advisor: Gabriel Lau
Dissertation: Dynamical Mechanisms for the Teleconnection between ENSO and NAO in Late Winter
Ian Lloyd, 2011
Last Known Affiliation: Foreign Affairs Officer, US Department of State
Advisor: Gabriel Lau
Dissertation: Extreme Subseasonal Tropical Air-Sea Interactions and Their Relation to Ocean Thermal Stratification
Yves Plancherel, 2011 (Geosciences)
Last Known Affiliation: Lecturer, Imperial College
Advisor: Jorge L. Sarmiento
Dissertation: A Study of the Ocean's Water Masses Using Data and Models (Geosciences Student)
Yuanyuan Fang, 2010
Last Known Affiliation: Statistician, Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQM)
Advisor: Larry Horowitz
Dissertation: The Impacts of Emissions, Meteorology and Climate Change on Pollution Transport
Neven Fuckar, 2010
Last Known Affiliation: Lecturer, University of St Andrews, and Senior Researcher, University of Oxford
Advisor: Geoffrey K. Vallis
Dissertation: Adaptive Scaling Model of the Main Pycnocline and the Associate Overturning Circulation
Fuyu Li, 2010
Last Known Affiliation: Computational Geoscientist, Chevron
Advisor: V. Ramaswamy
Dissertation: Emission, Distribution and Transport of Mineral Dust in the Southern Hemisphere, and the Dust Deposition in Antarctica during Present-Day and the Last Glacial Maximum
Sarah Kang, 2009
Last Known Affiliation: Associate Professor, UNIST, Korea
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: The Response of Tropical Precipitation to Extratropical Thermal Forcing
Agnieszka Smith-Mrowiec, 2009
Last Known Affiliation: Senior Research Scientist, Validus Research, Inc.
Advisor: Stephen Garner
Dissertation: Hurricane Intensity in Dry and Moist Atmospheres
Yi Huang, 2008
Last Known Affiliation: Associate Professor, McGill University
Advisor: V. Ramaswamy
Dissertation: Satellite-Observed and Model-Simulated Outgoing Longwave Radiation Spectra
Gang Chen, 2007
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Mechanisms that Control the Latitude of Jet Streams Surface Westerlies
Seoung-Soo Lee, 2007
Last Known Affiliation: Associate Research Scientist, University of Maryland
Advisor: Leo J. Donner
Dissertation: Aerosol Effects on Clouds and Their Sensitivity to Numerical Representations of Microphysics
Cynthia Randles, 2007
Last Known Affiliation: Advanced Research Associate, Exxon Research & Engineering
Advisor: V. Ramaswamy
Dissertation: Impacts of Carbonaceous Aerosols on Climate: Examination of the Sensitivity of Simulated Regional Climates to Absorbing and Scattering Aerosols
Edwin Gerber, 2006 (Applied Math)
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, New York University, Courant Institute
Advisor: Geoffrey K. Vallis
Dissertation: A Dynamical and Statistical Understanding of the NAO and Annular Modes (Applied Math Student)
Dargan Frierson , 2005 (Applied Math)
Last Known Affiliation: Associate Professor, University of Washington
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Studies of the General Circulation of the Atmosphere with a Simplified Moist GCM (Applied Math Student)
Shree Khare, 2005
Last Known Affiliation: Vice President of Model Development, RMS Models and Software, London, UK
Advisor: Jeffrey Anderson/Geoffrey K. Vallis
Dissertation: Observing Network Design for Improved Prediction of Geophysical Fluid Flows-Analysis of Ensemble Methods
Irina Marinov, 2005
Last Known Affiliation: Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvannia
Advisor: Jorge L. Sarmiento/Anand Gnanadesikan
Dissertation: Controls on the Air-Sea Balance of Carbon Dioxide
Huiyan Yang, 2005
Last Known Affiliation: Research Assistant Professor, University of Texas, El Paso
Advisor: Hiram Levy
Dissertation: The Modeling of Tropospheric Photochemistry and Black Carbon Aerosol: Examinations of Radiation, Transformation concentrations and Emission Reduction Aspects
Chi-Yung (Francis) Tam, 2004
Last Known Affiliation: Associate Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Advisor: Gabriel Lau
"Dissertation: The Impact of ENSO on Tropical and Extratropical Atmospheric Variability And Synoptic Time Scales as Inferred from Observations and GMC Simulations
Giulio Boccaletti, 2003
Last Known Affiliation: Co-Founder, Chloris Geospatial
Advisor: S. George H. Philander
Dissertation: The Thermal Structure of the Upper Ocean
Cara Cartwright Henning, 2003
Last Known Affiliation: Science Senior Director, Environmental Sciences, ICF International
Advisor: Geoffrey K. Vallis
Dissertation: The Effects of Mesoscale Eddies on the Stratification of the Ocean
Curtis Deutsch, 2003
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, Princeton University
Advisor: Jorge L. Sarmiento
Dissertation: Biogeochemical Constraints on the Modern and Glacial Oceanic Nitrogen Cycle
Andrew Wittenberg, 2002
Last Known Affiliation: Physical Scientist, GFDL
Advisor: S. George H. Philander
Dissertation: ENSO Response to Altered Climates
David A. Baker, 2001
Last Known Affiliation: Research Scientist/Scholar III, Colorado State (CIRA)
Advisor: Jorge L. Sarmiento
Dissertation: Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric CO2 Estimated From Batch Least-Squares Inversions of CO2 Concentration Measurements
Scott Harper, 2001
Last Known Affiliation: Program Manager, ONR
Advisor: S. George H. Philander
Dissertation: The Influence of Subtropical Forcing on the Density Structure of the Tropical Ocean
Teresa (Tracey) Holloway, 2001
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, University of Wisconsin
Advisor: Hiram Levy
Dissertation: Transboundary Air Pollution in Asia: Model Development and Policy Implications
Tapio Schneider, 2001
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, CalTech
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Structural Analyses of Climate Data
Olivier Pauluis, 2000
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, New York University -Courant Institute
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Entropy Budget of an Atmosphere in Radiative-Convective Equilibrium
Andrzej Klonecki, 1999
Last Known Affiliation: Scientific Engineer, SPASCIA, France
Advisor: Hiram Levy
Dissertation: Model Study of the Tropospheric Chemistry of Ozone
Frederic Vitart, 1999
Last Known Affiliation: Principal Scientist, European Ctr. for Medium Range Weather Forecast
Advisor: Jeffrey Anderson
Dissertation: Tropical Storm Interannual and Interdecadal Variability in an Ensemble of GCM Integrations
Alexander Hall, 1998
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, Universty of California, Los Angeles
Advisor: Suki Manabe
Dissertation: The Role of Water Vapor Feedback in Unperturbed Climate Variability and Global Warming
Rebecca Orris, 1997
Last Known Affiliation: Special Project Manager, National Institutes of Health
Advisor: V. Ramaswamy
Dissertation: A Test of the Consistency of Models and Observations in the Middle Atmosphere
Pravadha Suntharalingam, 1997
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, University of East Anglia
Advisor: Jorge L. Sarmiento
Dissertation: Modeling the Global Nitrous Oxide Distribution
Yunqing (Phoebe) Zhang, 1997
Last Known Affiliation: Electronic Market Making at KCG
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: On the Mechanisms for the Mid-Winter Suppression of the Pacific Stormtrack
Simona Masina, 1996
Last Known Affiliation: Research Division Director, Ocean Modeling & Data Assimilation, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Italy
Advisor: S. George H. Philander
Dissertation: Tropical Instability Waves in the Pacific Ocean
Lisa Goddard, 1995
Last Known Affiliation: Deceased, Retired Director/Senior Research Scientist, IRI, Columbia University.
Advisor: S. George H. Philander
Dissertation: The Energetics of Interannual Variability in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
Jiawei Zhang, 1995
Last Known Affiliation: Managing Director, MSCI Inc.
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Effects of Latent Heating on Midlatitude Atmospheric General Circulation
Cheng-Ta Chen, 1994
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, National Taiwan Normal University
Advisor: V. Ramaswamy
Dissertation: Sensitivity of the Simulated Global Climate to Perturbations in Low Cloud Microphysical Properties
Wataru Ohfuchi, 1994
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, Butsuryo College of Osaka, Japan
Advisor: Suki Manabe
Dissertation: The Sensitivity of an Atmospheric General Circulation Model to Large Changes in Carbon Dioxide Level
Valentina Pavan, 1994
Last Known Affiliation: Scientist, ARPA Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Parameter Study of the Statistically Steady state of a Multi-Layer Quasi- Geostrophic Model
Larry Anderson, 1993
Last Known Affiliation: Teacher, Sandwich HS, Massachusetts
Advisor: Jorge L. Sarmiento
Dissertation: The Determination of Redfield Ratios for use in Global Oceanic Nutrient Cycle Models
Kar-Man (Edmund) Chang, 1993
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, SUNY-Stonybrook
Advisor: Isidoro Orlanski
Dissertation: Downstream Development of Baroclinic Waves
Brent Lofgren, 1993
Last Known Affiliation: Science Educator, What Makes Climate Tick?
Advisor: Suki Manabe
Dissertation: Sensitivity and Feedbacks Associated with Vegetation-Related Land Surface Parameters in a General Circulation Model
Li Yuan, 1993
Last Known Affiliation: Unknown
Advisor: Kevin Hamilton
Dissertation: Statistical Equilibrium Dynamics in a Forced-Dissipative f-plane Shallow- Water Model
Elisa Manzini, 1992
Last Known Affiliation: Scientist, Max-Planck Institute of Meteorology
Advisor: Kevin Hamilton
Dissertation: Numerical Study of the Middle Atmosphere Response to Tropical and Subtropical Tropospheric Sources
Alexis Kai-hon Lau, 1991
Last Known Affiliation: Chair/Professor, Hong Kong University-Sci &Tech
Advisor: Gabriel Lau
Dissertation: An Observational Study of Tropical Summertime Synoptic Scale Disturbances
Sukyoung Lee, 1991
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, Penn State
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Baroclinic Wave Packets in Models and Observations
Ricardo Matano, 1991
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, Oregon State
Advisor: S. George H. Philander
Dissertation: A Numerical Study of the Circulation in the South Atlantic Ocean
Xin Tao, 1991
Last Known Affiliation: Retired Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies, consultant for 5G communication
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Atmospheric Responses to Lower Tropospheric Forcing in a Multi-Layer Isentropic Model
Huijie Xue, 1991
Last Known Affiliation: Professor Emerita, University of Maine
Advisor: George L. Mellor
Dissertation: Numerical Studies of Gulf Stream Meanders in the South Atlantic Bight
Jeffrey L. Anderson, 1990
Last Known Affiliation: Scientist III & Section Leader, NCAR
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Low Frequency Variability and the Instability of Zonally Varying Atmospheric Flows
Yi Chao, 1990
Last Known Affiliation: Founder & CEO, Seatrec
Advisor: S. George H. Philander
Dissertation: Seasonal and Inteerannual Variability in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
Chung-Chun Ma, 1990
Last Known Affiliation: Deceased, Xerox Corp.
Advisor: Kevin Hamilton
Dissertation: Models of Planetary Wave Propagation in the Middle Atmosphere
Raymond G. Najjar, 1990
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, Penn State
Advisor: Jorge L. Sarmiento
Dissertation: Simulations of the Phosphorus and Oxygen Cycles in the World Ocean Using a General Circulation Model.
R. Saravanan, 1990
Last Known Affiliation: Professor and Department Head, Texas A&M
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Mechanisms of Equatorial Superrotation: Studies with Two-Level Models
Mingfang Ting, 1990
Last Known Affiliation: Research Professor, Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: The Stationary Wave Response to Tropical and Mid-Latitude SST Anomalies
Shian-Jiann Lin, 1989
Last Known Affiliation: Research Scientist, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Advisor: Raymond Pierrehumbert
Dissertation: The Instability Mechanism of Synoptic Eddies
Noboru Nakamura, 1989
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, University of Chicago
Advisor: Isidoro Orlanski
Dissertation: Dynamics of Baroclinic Instability in Rapid Cyclogenesis
Ping Chang, 1988
Last Known Affiliation: Professor and Chair, Texas A & M
Advisor: S. George H. Philander
Dissertation: Oceanic Adjustment in the Presence of Mean Currents
Jean-Paul M. Huot
Last Known Affiliation: Senior Scientist, European Space Agency/ESTEC, The Netherlands
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Variational Closures for Two-Dimensional Turbulent Flows
Julio T. Bacmeister, 1987
Last Known Affiliation: Scientist III, NCAR
Advisor: Raymond Pierrehumbert
Dissertation: Non-linearity in Transient, Two-Dimensional Flow Over Topography
Bertrand C. Carissimo, 1987
Last Known Affiliation: Associate Professor, CEREA, France
Advisor: Raymond Pierrehumbert
Dissertation: The Pressure Drag and Momentum Flux During a Cold Frontal Passage Over the Alps
James David Neelin, 1987
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Simple Models of Steady and Low Frequency Circulations in the Tropical Atmosphere with Applications to Tropical Air-Sea Interactions
Borivoj Rajkovic, 1987
Last Known Affiliation: Associate Professor, Belgrade University
Advisor: George L. Mellor
Dissertation: Air-Sea Interaction in the Vicinity of a Land-Sea Boundary in the Presence of Upwelling.
Michael Steele, 1987
Last Known Affiliation: Senior Principal Oceanographer, Polar Science Center/APL UW
Advisor: George L. Mellor
Dissertation: Numerical Models of Sea Ice-Ocean Interaction in the Marginal ice Zone
Frank O. Bryan, 1986
Last Known Affiliation: Scientist III & Section Head, NCAR-Climate & Global Dynamics -
Advisor: Jorge L. Sarmiento
Dissertation: Maintenance and Variability of the Thermohaline Circulation
Robert Gardiner-Garden, 1986
Last Known Affiliation: Defence Science and Technology Group, NSW, AUS
Advisor: S. George H. Philander
Dissertation: Some Aspects of Modeling the Vertical Structure of Currents in Wind-Forced Coastal Upwelling Systems
Denise Stephenson Hawk, 1986
Last Known Affiliation: Educational Consultant, Stephenson Group, LLC
Advisor: Jerry Mahlman
Dissertation: Evaluation of Satellite Sampling of the Middle Atmosphere Using the GFDL SKYHI General Circulation Model
Mitsuhiro Kawase, 1986
Last Known Affiliation: Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Washington
Advisor: Jorge L. Sarmiento
Dissertation: Circulation and Nutrients in the Atlantic Ocean
Antonio Navarra, 1986
Last Known Affiliation: President, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, CMCC, Italy
Advisor: Kikuro Miyakoda
Dissertation: Anomaly General Circulation Models
David G. Dritschel, 1985
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, St.Andrews University Scotland
Advisor: Raymond Pierrehumbert
Dissertation: The Stability of Certain Two- and Three-Dimensional Vortical Motions: A Possible Explanation of the Multiple Vortex Phenomenon in Tornadoes
Kenneth P. Bowman, 1984
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, Texas A&M
Advisor: Suki Manabe
Dissertation: Effects of Ice Sheets on the Sensitivity of Climate
WenDar Chen, 1984
Last Known Affiliation: CIO and Partner, Macro Intelligence Advisory & Investments
Advisor: Isidoro Orlanski
Dissertation: Mesoscale Lee Cyclogenesis
David Crisp, 1984
Last Known Affiliation: Senior Research Scientist, JPL/CalTech
Advisor: Stephen Fels
Dissertation: Radiative Forcing of the Venus Mesosphere
James L. Kinter III, 1984
Last Known Affiliation: Director, COLA/IGES and Professor George Mason
Advisor: Kikuro Miyakoda
Dissertation: Barotropic Studies of Stationary Extra-Tropical Anomalies in the Troposphere
G.W. Kent Moore, 1984
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, University of Toronto
Advisor: Isidoro Orlanski
Dissertation: On the Structure of the Narrow Cold-Frontal Rainband
Sumant Nigam, 1984
Last Known Affiliation: Professor and Chair, University of Maryland
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: On the Structure of Forcing of Tropospheric Stationary Waves
James A. Carton, 1983
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, University of Maryland
Advisor: S. George H. Philander
Dissertation: Adjustment in the Oceans: The Long-Period Tides and Coastal Upwelling
Douglas R. MacAyeal, 1983
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, University of Chicago
Advisor: Kirk Bryan
Dissertation: Rectified Tidal Currents and Tidal-Mixing Fronts: Controls on the Ross Ice-Shelf Flow and Mass Balance
Prashant D. Sardeshmukh, 1983
Last Known Affiliation: Senior Research Scientist, CIRES, University of Colorado-Boulder CIRES
Advisor: Isaac Held
Dissertation: Mechanisms of Monsoonal Cyclogenesis
Kevin P. Hamilton, 1981
Last Known Affiliation: Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii
Advisor: Stephen Fels
Dissertation: Numerical Studies of Wave-Mean Flow Interaction in the Stratosphere, Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
Michael Stefanick, 1980
Last Known Affiliation: Research Scientist, Science Systems & Applications, Inc.
Advisor: Abraham Oort
Dissertation: The Impact of Atmospheric Noise on the Detection of Interannual Climate Variability
Carlos R. Mechoso, 1979
Last Known Affiliation: Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of California, Los Angeles
Advisor: Isidoro Orlanski
Dissertation: The Atmospheric Circulation Around Linear Stability and Finite Amplitude- Interactions with the Mid-Latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere
Paul S. Schopf, 1978
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, George Mason University
Advisor: Kirk Bryan
Dissertation: Numerical Models of the Oceanic Heat Transport in the Southern Hemisphere
Tommy D. Dickey, 1977
Last Known Affiliation: Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of California, Santa Barbara
Advisor: George L. Mellor
Dissertation: An Experimental Study of Decaying and Diffusing Turbulence in Neutral and Stratified Fluids
Isaac M. Held, 1976
Last Known Affiliation: Senior Scholar, Princeton University
Advisor: Suki Manabe
Dissertation: The Tropospheric Lapse Rate and Climate Sensitivity
Richard Rotunno, 1976
Last Known Affiliation: Senior Scientist, NCAR
Advisor: Isidoro Orlanski
Dissertation: Internal Gravity Waves in the Nocturnal Planetary Boundary Layer
Max J. Suarez, 1976
Last Known Affiliation: Scientist, Retired, NASA/GSFC
Advisor: Suki Manabe
Dissertation: An Evaluation of the Astronomical Theory of the Ice Ages
Der-Hua Edward Tang, 1976
Last Known Affiliation: Owner, Synpac, North Carolina
Advisor: Tony Gordon
Dissertation: Meridional Structure and Energy Transport
Dennis L. Hartmann, 1975
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, University Washington
Advisor: Abraham Oort
Dissertation: The Structure and Dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere Stratosphere During Late Winter 1973
Nobuyoshi Baba, 1974
Last Known Affiliation: Scientist, JGI, Inc., Japan
Advisor: George L. Mellor
Dissertation: Numerical Investigation of Lake Ontario: Dynamics and Thermodynamics
Liang-Bee Lin, 1974
Last Known Affiliation: Deceased, Retired from Raytheon
Advisor: William Holland
Dissertation: A Numerical Study of Mesoscale Eddies in a Two-Layer Wind-Driven Ocean
Charles E. (Terry) Schemm, 1974
Last Known Affiliation: Oceanographer Retired, Johns Hopkins University
Advisor: Frank Lipps
Dissertation: A Three-Dimensional Numerical Study of Turbulence in Homogeneous and Convectively Unstable Fluids
Albert J. Semtner, Jr., 1973
Last Known Affiliation: Deceased, Professor Emeritus, Naval Postgrad School, California
Advisor: Kirk Bryan
Dissertation: A Numerical Investigation of Arctic Ocean Circulation
Susan J. Friedlander, 1972
Last Known Affiliation: Professor, University of Southern California
Advisor: Isidoro Orlanski
Dissertation: Spin-Down in a Rotating Stratified Fluid